Cutting-edge technology, encouraging high skills, classrooms with state-of-the-art capabilities… Nowadays education has prioritized the physical structure of the school, but does the formation of the human being also receive size prominence? And respect for differences, has it also been valued in schools?
Thinking about these issues, Tots & Teens is committed to the global formation of the human being, in a better future and with a curriculum aimed at preparing citizens who make a difference in the world.
Therefore, we practice the daily exercise of empathy, the importance of thinking about others, besides the harmonious coexistence among the more than 30 nationalities that are part of our community and all the cultural diversity that this environment provides.
Throughout the year, several social actions are undertaken in order to present to our community situations in which the maximum of “Together we are stronger” prevails. Whether it’s the incentive to donate blood or the registration for bone marrow donation or a winter Sweater campaign and the collection of toys at Christmas, we are constantly looking back at each other.
A punctual example of this work is the Easter campaign. This year, with the involvement of the whole community, we were able to raise 452 boxes of chocolates and prepare more than 900 bags of chocolate, which brighthe children and teenagers of various Ngos of SP, as well as the project Sol, social organization that serves a Needy community in the southern part of the city. Our students were there to make the delivery personally and were welcomed with a special presentation, tour by the institution and much affection. This experience and exchange of experiences between our students and the children of the project was an exciting and remarkable moment for all. Besides this institution in SP, that year, the bags of chocolates and the cards prepared by our students arrived to Brumadinho, in Minas Gerais, and were delivered not only to the children who survived the tragedy that occurred, but also to the firefighters and/or Volunteers who are still working in the region. It was very exciting to realize that this little gesture of solidarity managed to brighten up the Passover of these families who are suffering so much from the situation they are experiencing.
We increasingly reiterate that these are small gestures that make a difference in people’s lives and this is what we seek as an ideal of work, a humanized education that respects and believes in the human being.
Diretora da Escola Tots & Teens, pedagoga por profissão e educadora por opção. Psicopedagoga e gestora escolar aficionada pela educação bilíngue, atualmente busca ajuda na neurociência para desvendar os mistérios de como o cérebro aprende.